How I Started on My Jewellery Journey - pretty-wild-jewellery

How I Started on My Jewellery Journey

How I Started on My Jewellery Journey

I started jewellery designing late in life by chance or was it fate?

I always wanted to be an artist when I was a child. My Mother always said - I have no idea where you came from as no one had any ambition - you just got a job.

In our small town you were either a hairdresser, beautician, machinist, nurse or any factory worker and, being dyslexic, I chose hairdressing - well it is artistic!

20 years later I suffered a few years with chronic pain which lead to depression and anxiety. I remembered what my late Nanna told me when I was a child, that we had a famous jewellery designer in the family who she thinks emigrated to America called Charles Horner.  I searched “how to become a jewellery designer”.

I only searched Charles Horner of Halifax a couple of years ago and when I saw his Art Nouveau jewellery I burst into tears; I have no idea why – maybe I felt connected at last and was it Charles the famous Dorcas thimble maker who lead me on this self-discovering journey and showed me what I was born to do? I truly believe he did.