April - pretty-wild-jewellery


Aprils birthstone jewellery is Diamond alternative gemstone is White Sapphire.

Diamond - The Diamond is a symbol of purity. Its pure white light can help you to bring your life into cohesive whole. It bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity into partnership. 

Diamond cleanses the aura of anything shrouding a person’s light, allowing the soul light to shine out. Roman literature, which first made mention of diamonds in the first century AD stated that Cupid’s irresistible arrows were tipped with diamonds. Most diamonds found in nature are between one to three billion years’ old

White Sapphire - has an extremely pure energy and was cherished by kings and nobility for its powers of protection and insight. Buddhists believed it brought devotion and spiritual enlightenment as Sapphire removes obstacles to the spiritual path. Sapphire is known as the wisdom stone. It brings prosperity and attracts gifts of all kinds.